Savor every moment | An Autumn Journal

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The mornings and nights are cool and crisp, but at least the afternoons remain golden and warm. This season invites us to savor what it feels like to be home, safe, and cozy. I love the season of Autumn. It’s the time of year to enjoy the beautiful colors, wear cozy sweaters, snuggle underneath blankets, and sip some hot cocoa. September certainly gave us a delightful surprise. We welcomed a healthy baby girl and savored every moment. Meaningful experiences become much more precious when we’re present and connected to each moment.

We must simply pause to be more aware of the gifts right before us. Sometimes it will mean abandoning the to-do list, schedules, and social media entirely to spend time with the ones we love. Our senses inspire us to be more present and observant of life. Everyday experiences can feel delightful when we recall the impact of our senses: sight, sounds, tastes, textures, and scents. Engaging with our senses stirs up awareness of gratitude. We’re able to awaken the gifts and blessings happening all around us.

Change is something we cannot control or contain, but we can appreciate the beauty behind it. At about 39 weeks of pregnancy, our baby decided to make her debut. It felt both exciting and scary all at once. We had a birth plan setup, but nothing is ever concrete. I didn’t know what to expect when the day finally arrived to give birth. Early Sunday morning, I felt pressure below my abdomen. It woke me, but I’m a light sleeper anyway. Since I could talk through them, I knew it had to be Braxton Hicks. My husband timed the contractions to be safe, but they were inconsistent. We called the doula to give her an update. She advised me to sleep as best I could, eat small meals, and move around as much as possible. I spent the entire day on the birth ball, focused on breathing, taking a warm bath, eating small meals, watching my favorite movies, and sleeping.

On Monday, it changed from Braxton Hicks to actual labor. We made sure to time them and notify our Doula of the progress. Then, around 2pm, we decided to go to the hospital as the contractions grew more intense. After the examination, I was only 3 cm dilated, it was a bit discouraging, but I remained optimistic. In all of the prep work I did throughout the pregnancy, I utilized those same techniques throughout labor. Once Tuesday arrived, I reached 7 cm, but I stalled. The baby’s heartbeat was slowing down as the contractions slowed down. Our doctor recommended a little Pitocin to encourage the labor forward. Although my goal was to have an unmedicated birth, my water already broke, and the mucus plug was no longer the barrier to protect my baby. We decided to go with the doctors’ recommendation. Within minutes, my cervix reached 10 cm, and the more intense the surges felt. After about 4 pushes, our baby arrived. I couldn’t be more relieved and happy to finally meet our little girl.

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The world feels so different this morning as I glance down at the baby in my arms. I’d wonder if I would ever be ready to be a mother. And now I know I am. I fully understand in my head and heart that I am a mother. I had nine months of not only growing a healthy baby. I spent time processing all of my thoughts and feelings! It’s already a month since the birth of our baby, and our time together has been pure joy. I never knew how much love my heart could hold until I laid my eyes on her. There is something built into every human being that longs for love. The way my husband holds our baby in his arms, she knows that he is safe, loving, and warm. When I look at my husband and our baby, I’m reminded of how God love us. We often think of love as physical, but that isn’t where our hearts belong. God is the only one who can truly warm our hearts, no matter what season.

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him.”

– 1 John 4:16

We’re now a family of three. As we adjust to our new life together, there is much to prepare before winter arrives. We’ve been very grateful to have friends and family drop off some meals for us. But one way my husband and I spend quality time is in the kitchen. This time, I’m reintroducing some extra ingredients to encourage breastmilk production and nutrition to support our healthy, growing baby. Recently, I returned to baking by making a delicious coconut loaf, which my husband loves, for some friends at the mom’s group I attend. Everyone enjoyed the dessert and I love to make people smile. Funny, though, how much I have changed. I never had an interest in baking until I met my husband (he enjoys cooking with fresh ingredients). Only after I received the KitchenAid as a wedding gift did I desire to learn how to bake. Learning new recipes and creating something unique and delicious gives me great pleasure. Comment below if you’d like me to share some recipes

As much as we enjoy being in the house, the weather has been relatively warm these past few days. We enjoy taking a stroll in the nearby parks and savoring the beauty of Autumn foliage. We took some nice family pictures with the gorgeous fall scenery. I shared some of them in this blog post and latest video on my youtube channel. I can cherish these precious moments of our family. Our baby girl is growing so fast. She will soon be 2 months old, and I don’t want to rush through her baby years. Oh, how I had prayed for a family of my own, and little did I know God would answer that prayer. I am reminded of God’s love when I look at my family. Although seasons may change, God’s love never changes. The more we seek to embrace change, the more we can see the beauty that unfolds.

As we open ourselves to fully savor what is meaningful, we can experience a new level of joy and wonder for living. Everything we need is right in front of us. We can savor the fullness of the moment to nourish our souls.

Watch my latest video, where I share my birth story.

Autumn blessings,



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Resources to help nurture your relationship with God.

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Hello, I'm so glad you're here! Sharing my journey into a simple and well life one day at a time. My hope is to equip others to live with less stuff, less stress, and less expectations. Let’s get back to the roots of a slow, purposeful life.

14 thoughts on “Savor every moment | An Autumn Journal

      1. Yes. I do give my arms a break and so that she doesn’t get use to it.
        She’s doing so well with mommy. And reminding me to be more present in every moment. Not only with her but my husband as well

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