Abundant and Delightful | A Summer Journal

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Oh, summer, how I’ve missed you! The comforts of the summer season are abundant and delightful! The world seems to come alive. Being a homemaker in this season takes on a special significance. I’m delighted to share some practical tips to help prepare your homes for summer.

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Good things take time | A Spring Journal

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For months, it seemed as though spring was hiding, unwilling to be coaxed or persuaded to appear despite my best attempts. Spring is content to show itself in its own time. We have transitioned from the cold, dark days of winter to the sweet embrace of the warmer seasons. I have packed away all signs […]

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Traditional Living | A Homemaker’s Journal

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Hi dear friends. I hope you are enjoying winter. We had our first snow day, although it wasn’t a lot. I was excited to share the experience with my little one. If you have followed my blogging journey for quite a while, you may have noticed my interest in simple living. I want to share […]

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Savor every moment | An Autumn Journal

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The mornings and nights are cool and crisp, but at least the afternoons remain golden and warm. This season invites us to savor what it feels like to be home, safe, and cozy. September certainly gave us a delightful surprise.

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