How to Overcome Facing the Bible with Zero Interest?

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So many of us make it a goal to read the Bible. We start with the best intentions but shy away from both out of fear or confusion. We don’t know where to start, struggle to understand the scripture, or feel inadequate compared to others. Other tasks can keep us from believing we have the time. You’re not alone in feeling that way. Sometimes, we feel as though reading the Bible is a daunting task. Meeting with Jesus daily, to hear Him through words and speak to Him through prayer, is the best part of every day. It is where my strength comes from when I need to get through each day. Today, I’d like to share five ways to delight in reading the Bible daily.

Understand the purpose

Reading God’s Word is not about obtaining information, it’s about transformation. The purpose of daily Bible reading is not just to complete a checklist but to encounter God and grow in your relationship with Him. The more we read the Bible, the more we learn and adore God. Why do we need to read the Bible daily? We embark on a journey to seek God’s wisdom, grace, and truth, setting out on a quest to discover hidden treasure. God’s Word is an essential part of Christian living. And we will begin to experience peace and joy with each new day.

Reading Plan

There are many reading plans available that can guide your daily Bible reading. You can find reading plans here, in apps, podcasts, or printed text. Maybe you’ll start with a plan that follows the Bible chronologically or focuses on a specific thematic exploration of each book. I’m tracking The Bible Recap by Tara Leigh Cobble, along with reading from this Bible. I understand the text better when my husband and I read and discuss it. Invite a friend or family member to join you. If you miss a day or fall behind, don’t be discouraged. Pick up where you left off. Setbacks will occur, but keep reading. Reading the Bible is a journey, and God will meet you wherever you are on every page.

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Establish a routine

We are far less likely to read God’s Word if it is not a regular habit. Good habits don’t just occur by accident, they take discipline and commitment to develop. I promise it’s worth it. Decide what time of the day works best for you. Maybe you’ll want to read in the morning before everyone wakes up. You may prefer afternoons or evenings. Pick a time of day that works for you. Try to eliminate interruptions by silencing your phone or setting a notification to let others know you’ll be unavailable during this time. My husband and I decided to do the Bible reading in the evenings before bedtime. This is also the same time our daughter is asleep. Start with just 12 minutes a day reading the Bible. It’s not about quantity but about quality. This is a sacred moment to draw near to the heart of God.

“When this habit becomes part of your day, is the moment it turns from duty to delight”


Take Notes

If you’re comfortable writing in your Bible, mark notes, reflections, or prayers within the margins. Take the time to write down notes about what you’re reading, including questions you may have about the text. Highlight attributes of God and words/passages that stand out from the reading. When I review my notes and reflections, it’s encouraging to see my spiritual growth and even the moments I struggled. It’s ok to not fully understand what you’ve read the first time. Reread and pace yourself until the Holy Spirit provides clarity. Bible reading is not a race. Reading the Bible is about tasting the depth of God’s love and being transformed.

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Photo: The Daily Grace Co

Pause, Pray, & Apply

I’ve often had to pause to reread a passage several times until I could understand the text. If you have difficulty focusing on reading the Bible, take a moment to pause, write down the distracting thoughts on paper, and revisit them after the reading session. Incorporate prayer before, during, and after your daily reading. One practical tip I found helpful was to post a verse around my home to meditate (pray) on throughout the day. The more I read His Word, the more motivated I became to apply what I learned. We seek the Lord’s help in understanding the text and ask for guidance in applying His truth. This will take time and intentional practice. Click here for a free resource to help you enrich your prayer life.

By allowing the Word of God to dwell richly in our minds, we will notice the impact it will have in our lives and the lives of others. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God. Keep it close to your heart by reading, studying, and meditating on His word daily. Diligently and prayerfully develop a daily Bible reading habit to enrich your life. Let His words become a wellspring of life and hope within you.

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 

Colossians 3:16

By His Grace, 

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Hello, I'm so glad you're here! Sharing my journey into a simple and well life one day at a time. My hope is to equip others to live with less stuff, less stress, and less expectations. Let’s get back to the roots of a slow, purposeful life.

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