Live Your Best Life with these Powerful Affirmations

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I have struggled with anxiety all my life. I was always nervous around people, unfamiliar places, and situations. As I grew older, my fears morphed into other things: Will I fail this test? What if I never get married? Will I be able to pay my bills this month? What happens if my car breaks down? What if I never get a job? Will I always remain single? When I became a mom, my anxiety multiplied. Is the baby still breathing? Am I going to produce enough breastmilk to feed her? Is her cough serious? What if I fall with the baby? My mind would fixate on negative thoughts, especially at night, while I try to sleep. Anxiety rises when I forget I’m not in control, but I feel like I need to have control.

If you struggle with anxiety, you know the feeling. As the worries creep into your mind, your chest tightens, and your breathing speeds up. I feel helpless as I try to fight off the anxiety. In those situations, I am reminded of my limits, but I can draw near to God, who is limitless. I run to Him. But I learned that my Bible is one of the greatest tools in fighting anxiety. As we focus our thoughts on the scriptures, they shape the way we navigate life. God’s Word has the power to transform our minds as we seek to read, study, and meditate (think deeply) on the scriptures. The Bible is a gift when we’re struggling with anxiety. God’s Word is the gateway to peace.

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In the midst of anxiety, we quickly forget about God. We allow the imagination of our fears to blind us to the truth about God’s character. We can combat anxiety by taking every negative thought captive (redirecting our thoughts) and replacing them with God’s truth. The most powerful affirmations can be found in the Bible. But we don’t treat it like an incantation. We read, study, and meditate on the scriptures because they reshape our thoughts from negative to positive, especially when anxiety strikes. We protect our minds from fearful thoughts using the Bible.

Initially, we are only speaking the words, but the more we read, study, and meditate on the scriptures, we will begin to believe God’s promises. We want God’s Word to invade, take over, and control every area of our lives. Scripture reminds us that our heavenly Father knows what we need. Truly, God is all we need. If you are struggling with anxiety, know that God sees you and you are not alone. God’s Word is a gift that speaks into every season of our life.

meditations for

I find the best time to begin is when you’re not anxious. Here are some powerful scripture affirmations you can read to serve you when panic starts to sneak up again. Simply post them around your home and try to commit them to memory. For more inspiration, click the button below!

  • When I am overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, I put my trust in God. Psalm 56:3
  • I can share my fears and anxiety with God because He cares for me. 1 Peter 5:7
  • Even in the midst of anxiety, the Lord brings me great joy and comfort. Psalm 94:19
  • When I feel anxiety rising, I can pray to the Lord, who grants me peace. Philippians 4:7

I pray you will experience greater joy, peace, and wonder for who God truly is. If you feel encouraged, leave your thoughts and reflections in the comments below. And share this post with others who may need some encouragement, too.

By His Grace,



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Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. If you are struggling with anxiety daily, please seek a professional biblical counselor or a medical healthcare professional. 

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Hello, I'm so glad you're here! Sharing my journey into a simple and well life one day at a time. My hope is to equip others to live with less stuff, less stress, and less expectations. Let’s get back to the roots of a slow, purposeful life.

31 thoughts on “Live Your Best Life with these Powerful Affirmations

  1. Beautiful! As a certified Self-care coach I share a lot about affirmations and how helpful they can be. I am so glad I just read your affirmations because they have honestly just gave me the extra boost I needed this morning at work.

    1. Hi Christineleibbrand, these scripture affirmations are a great way to distract our minds and focus on the one who is the definition of peace. I hope these scriptures will serve you well. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Shelbylynnyork, that is a great idea. I keep a journal of scriptures to meditate for specific situations. It’s a great comfort and reminder God is in control of everything. It definitely relieves the pressure of having to carry the weight of anxious thoughts.

  2. I agree! It’s amazing the sense or calm I’ve experienced after learning to follow God and the Bible. I also used to suffer from anxiety and it was debilitating.

    1. Anxiety is difficult. The only way I can find relief and uproot it is by God’s word.
      I learned I don’t need to be in control of everything because I can’t control everything. Only God has that ability.
      I want to know and follow God’s will for my life. I ask God to give me strength, grace, and wisdom to move with Him and not against or without Him.

  3. I’m a firm believer in affirmations cause they really do help when the going gets tough. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Anthuwin, yes, they do. Sometimes, I don’t even want to get out of bed. But when I meditate on the scriptures, I’m reminded that I am not alone. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I’m a big believer in affirmations and love the peaceful feeling of your scripture based one’s in this post. So calming and soothing.

    1. Hi Susan, I’m grateful these scriptures could encourage you. Sometimes, we need them to get us going throughout the day. Even starting with Scripture affirmations first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

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