How to Sustain Your Passion for Prayer in Every Season

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Growing up, prayer was introduced as a transition to dinner time. My brother, sister, and I joined our parents to say the same prayer before we ate dinner. If we were extra hungry, the words sound more like gibberish. We were just repeating the words that had very little meaning to us. Sometimes, we can approach prayer in the same way as adults. We may not understand the purpose of prayer or forget that prayer is a divine gift. But how do we quiet our busy minds and heavy hearts to pray? Whether you’re new to prayer or seeking a deeper connection with God. Here is how I was able to cultivate and sustain a prayer routine throughout every season of life.

“Do not let us approach our Lord as though we were strangers, or as though He were unwilling to hear us-for we are greatly beloved by our loving Father.”


Settle your mind. We can easily fall into a pattern of neglecting time in the Word, thinking other things are more important. It’s easy to allow our minds to wander. Start your prayers by asking God to settle your mind and heart. Ask the Lord to open your heart and renew your mind to embrace His presence even in silence. Often, it is not our schedules that hinder us from seeking the Lord but the selfish desires in our hearts. I need the Lord’s help with this. As I share my desires in prayer, I allow God to change my heart. Begin your prayer practice by asking God to help adjust your desires to His. 

Utilize your space. Make your prayer space reflect a sense of peace and comfort, free of distractions. Utilize a space/room free from any electronics. Sitting in a distraction-free space helps us engage with solitude. If you have an iPhone, you can use the focus feature to automate your phone’s “do not disturb” sign. I use this feature a lot during my quiet or prayer time. Allow moments of silence during your prayer time to be still, listen, and experience the presence of God.

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Start small. If maintaining a consistent prayer time is a struggle, look for ways to use those moments that already exist in your day. Notice if there are short bursts throughout the day to slow down. Sometimes, even the most peculiar places (closet, car, or porch) in the home can be the best prayer space. I sit in the bathroom alone to pump and pray in the mornings while my husband cares for our daughter. If you’re new to prayer or struggle to make time, start small. Start with 4 minutes a day. Gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with the practice. They don’t have to be long, just intentional.

Try prayer styles. There is no legalistic way to pray. Find a structure that can guide you through the prayer process. Your prayer time could involve spoken prayer, meditation, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, offering prayers for others, writing in a journal, and reflecting on the texts or teachings about the Bible. I enjoy reading devotionals and meditating on the verses during prayer. Try different styles to find what resonates with you.

Pray scripture. Prayer is a time to be authentic and vulnerable with yourself before God. This is a time to share your joys, struggles, hopes, and fears with Our Heavenly Father. Be open to receiving guidance and comfort. If you struggle with words, try praying back to the scriptures. I use scripture as a cue to cultivate a habit of prayer when I struggle to speak from the heart. Psalms is a great place to start.

Download and print this Pray Bookmark as a guide for your prayer time. It’s a great bookmark for your Bible, too!

Grow in Community. Engage with like-minded Christian communities. Invite others to pray with you, such as friends or family members. Join a small community-based church and connect with a prayer group, or simply gather with believers to encourage one another. This year, we joined a bible study group. It’s a chance to fellowship with other believers, study God’s Word, and share Christ with our daughter. Sharing prayer experiences and supporting each other can grow your spiritual life.

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Photo: The Daily Grace Co

Know your why. Prayer is a beautiful journey that can lead to a flourishing relationship with our Creator. Prayer is a means to seek guidance and find peace during uncertain times. This can also be a time to express gratitude for God’s blessings. When I embrace nurturing my prayer life, I learn to navigate every season with contentment and peace. I pray you will begin to make room for God in your hearts to nurture your spiritual growth.

Cultivating a prayer practice requires patience and commitment. Be gracious towards yourself if you miss a day or encounter challenges. Adapt your prayer practice with grace and adjust to the changing seasons of life. We are His children, and our Heavenly Father delights in hearing from us, no matter the season. I hope these tips will encourage you to seek the beauty in God’s truth. 

What struggles do you face when creating a prayer habit? 

By His Grace, 


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Hello, I'm so glad you're here! Sharing my journey into a simple and well life one day at a time. My hope is to equip others to live with less stuff, less stress, and less expectations. Let’s get back to the roots of a slow, purposeful life.

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