Gentle Prenatal Stretches | for all trimester

These 8 ways to stretch stiff body is a gentle way to energize your body, relieve muscle tension, and improve blood circulation. Plus, movement is good throughout pregnancy.

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I love stretching and it’s one of the reasons why I enjoy exercising so much. Stretching improves circulation, energizes our body, and relieves muscle tension or tightness. Our bodies naturally like to stretch when we wake up or go to bed. It’s a chance to loosen up our stiffened muscles from hours of sleeping, working or even sitting which often comes automatically.

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What You Will Need:

If you’re looking for a very simple, gentle stretch routine that you can practice at home. These stretches are perfect for you. They’re easy to do and require little effort, yet they’re still so effective at relieving muscle tightness. Pregnancy can cause discomfort of joints and muscles, especially for the back, hips, and legs. These movements can leave us feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.

I promise you’ll love ’it!

I hope these stretches help to alleviate discomfort and energize your body! For the full routine, check out the video here:

May your hearts and homes be blessed,


Disclaimer: always speak to your healthcare provider if you have any health conditions or questions about undergoing any new kind of exercise regime.

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Hello, I'm so glad you're here! Sharing my journey into a simple and well life one day at a time. My hope is to equip others to live with less stuff, less stress, and less expectations. Let’s get back to the roots of a slow, purposeful life.

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